Current Series: Super Dude. Page one

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Super Dude CH2 PG7

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Bonus Comic: Floor Hockey

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

The plot thickens...

Yep, national healthcare fuels Justin Beiber's bad music. Thassafack. Just ask your science teacher.

Of course as much as I rip on him, I should acknowledge that without JB I would have no material. So thanks for that at least, guy. You suck though. You have to interrupt my heavy metal with your stupid fucking Spotify adds? That's necessary? Fuck you.

Chapter 3 is actually starting to come along, so that's good. I'm also about halfway done with a one page bonus thing.

See ya next week.

-Jewfro Cartoonist

Super Dude CH2 PG6

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Super Dude CH2 PG5

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Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Super Dude CH2 PG4

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Super Dude CH2 PG3

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Monday, November 9, 2015

More stuff

Sorry the last post was kinda shitty. Last week was kinda shitty. Anyway, I made a lot of progress on CH2 over the weekend. I also started writing CH3. I'm not quite sure how long the series will go on. Probably until I can stop pulling material out of my ass. After CH6 or so, I think I might put it on hiatus and work on other things. I'm currently working on a one page bonus comic. That will come out sometime in the near future.

New update same day as usual

-Jewfro Cartoonist

Tuesday, November 3, 2015


Almost didn't wanna upload this today. Very tired. A little bit behind in production. I don't really have any ideas for CH3 yet, but I'll keep working on it. We're done with CH1 now. The stuff for this week kicks off CH2. More things to say when I'm less tired.

Follow me on twitter or some shit, link should be somewhere on the site I think.

-Jewfro Cartoonist

Super Dude CH2 PG2

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Super Dude CH2 PG1

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