Current Series: Super Dude. Page one

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Super Dude CH2 PG12

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Super Dude CH2 PG11

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Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Only One Page This Week

...Sorry. I've been stuck with a bunch of shit recently. Two pages next week.

-Jewfro Cartoonist

Super Dude CH2 PG10

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Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Super Dude CH2 PG9

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Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Super Dude CH2 PG8

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Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Super Dude CH2 PG7

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Bonus Comic: Floor Hockey

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

The plot thickens...

Yep, national healthcare fuels Justin Beiber's bad music. Thassafack. Just ask your science teacher.

Of course as much as I rip on him, I should acknowledge that without JB I would have no material. So thanks for that at least, guy. You suck though. You have to interrupt my heavy metal with your stupid fucking Spotify adds? That's necessary? Fuck you.

Chapter 3 is actually starting to come along, so that's good. I'm also about halfway done with a one page bonus thing.

See ya next week.

-Jewfro Cartoonist

Super Dude CH2 PG6

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Super Dude CH2 PG5

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Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Super Dude CH2 PG4

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Super Dude CH2 PG3

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Monday, November 9, 2015

More stuff

Sorry the last post was kinda shitty. Last week was kinda shitty. Anyway, I made a lot of progress on CH2 over the weekend. I also started writing CH3. I'm not quite sure how long the series will go on. Probably until I can stop pulling material out of my ass. After CH6 or so, I think I might put it on hiatus and work on other things. I'm currently working on a one page bonus comic. That will come out sometime in the near future.

New update same day as usual

-Jewfro Cartoonist

Tuesday, November 3, 2015


Almost didn't wanna upload this today. Very tired. A little bit behind in production. I don't really have any ideas for CH3 yet, but I'll keep working on it. We're done with CH1 now. The stuff for this week kicks off CH2. More things to say when I'm less tired.

Follow me on twitter or some shit, link should be somewhere on the site I think.

-Jewfro Cartoonist

Super Dude CH2 PG2

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Super Dude CH2 PG1

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Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Super Dude CH1 PG10

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Super Dude CH1 PG9

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Sunday, October 25, 2015




Anyway, I have a twitter now: . New upload Tuesday.

-Jewfro Cartoonist

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Super Dude CH1 PG8

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Super Dude CH1 PG7

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Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Super Dude CH1 PG6

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Super Dude CH1 PG5

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Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Update + Other Info

Hello, viewers!

I just uploaded the fourth page of the first chapter of Super Dude. Get to it via archive on the right. I know the layout and navigation of the site is somewhat awkward. I'm still experimenting with it though, so bear with me.

I've also made the titles of posts a bit less confusing, to aid navigation. Hopefully that's helped.

I know I've uploaded only one page this week, in contrast to the three I uploaded last week. I'm trying to pace uploads in a way that makes sense in a comedic way, but also in a workload way. I know this week's installment isn't terribly funny (nor really was last week's) but it's going to transition into slightly funnier stuff in the coming weeks.

I've finished the entirety of the line-work for chapter 1, and am about half way through with coloring. I'm almost done with writing chapter two. So yeah, expect more stuff next week and the weeks after that. Hopefully I can make it so that this shit actually shows up on Google. I mean goddamn, I'm using a google service to make this.

Until next week.

-Jewfro Cartoonist

Super Dude CH1 PG4

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Thursday, October 1, 2015

Small stuff...

Hello v̶i̶e̶w̶e̶r̶s̶  nobody! Just wanted to say that I made some fuck-ups on pages one and three. I
have now fixed them, so yeah. That. New stuff next week.
- Jewfro Cartoonist

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Super Dude CH1 PG3

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Super Dude CH1 PG2

This is page 2. To navigate through pages, use archive to the right or arrows below:
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Super Dude CH1 PG1

Hello, and welcome to Jewfro Comics! I will be uploading unapologetically stupid webcomics for people to shit on once a week (hopefully), so remember to come back and check 'em out. Or don't.

I'm currently working on a series called Super Dude the Super Dude, the first installment of which is below:
If you have trouble reading it, or want it to look like pixelated ass, use ctr/cmd+ to zoom in.